My Thought Process:
The 1960s looked like such a playful time in regards to fashion. You could tell that the events that occurred (assassinations, war, etc) was something that caused a lot of people to want to escape the realities of what they were seeing on a daily basis. This was reflected in the choices of what people wore which ultimately led to the trends seen during this time. The mid-to-late 1960s was particularly interesting to me because of the drastic changes from what was seen during the decade prior. Changes in hair, makeup, colors, fabrics, lengths of skirts, and more were all reflective of the influence the street culture had on fashion.
Trend Forecast:
In July of 2023 I had an opportunity to attend a trend forecasting event that helped myself and other fashion professionals get an idea of what to prepare to see in the coming 2024 year ahead. Of the many trend details mentioned, a quote from Joseph Addison was used to set the tone for one particular trend and it caught my eye. The quote was "Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable sunrise that gratifies curiosity, and gives it an idea of which has not before possessed." The specific cultural indicators, color trends, and design details mentioned immediately reminded me of the 1960s. In light of all that the world has experienced since the COVID-19 pandemic, start of new wars, and more, we too have found ourselves trying to embrace the "new normal" in the midst of finding ways to escape from it through the help of expressing ourselves through clothing, music, and art.
Reflecting upon that, I wanted to challenge myself to focus on the trend discussed at the event and pair it with the wondrous 1960s aesthetic.
Cultural Indicators
We are living in times of constant unknowns and uncertainty. Everything from weather related disasters, wars, extraterrestrial sightings, political uncertainty, and so much more are things running across the minds of many. This is where surrealism plays a role in the lives of consumers. People are finding ways to escape from reality by tapping into their subconscious mind through juxtapositions. As the year unfolds, we will start to see more disruptive and eye-catching work that is reflective of the Trompe-l'œil artistic style, leaving room for more creativity, uniqueness, and differentiation.
In light of social media becoming less social and more media, people are rebelling against the "new normal" whether that be through posting less, taking breaks, or doing away with social media for good. Although aspects of social media are supposed to be meant for people to connect, it has turned into a space of perfectly curated feeds which has led to users wanting to find ways to retreat in lighthearted ways. That can include posting their own interest no matter what is trending, creating their own niche, only connecting with close friends/groups, and more. This is a movement of stepping away from the "acceptable" and trendy digital identities we often see.
Color Trends
As you can see, the colors are a balanced mix of energizing, neutral, and mid-tone hues. These colors made me feel excited but they also brought me sense of calmness. On a garment, different colors can be put together to help evoke a certain feeling or emotion for those wearing it and those seeing it.
Design Details (Garments + Patterns)
From the perspective of garment construction, the details mentioned above are meant to turn heads. 2024 will consist of creating new trends and bringing back past trends in a reimagined way.
Pattern trends for the upcoming 2024 seasons are very reflective of what was seen during the 1960s. Bright colors, reference to nature, mod-style shapes, and psychedelic aesthetic are forecasted to be popular when paired with different types of garments.
My Process + Inspiration:
Before starting my designs, I always like to get some inspiration as it helps to guide me in the process of creating. Typically I save a lot of photos in my photo library, but this time around I wanted to take advantage of the moodboard potential of Pinterest. I pinned a total of 75 images to my board that consisted of images of Twiggy, Diana Ross, Brigitte Bardot and many others that were part of the 1960s peak of fashion.
An added element of inspiration for me for this project is interior designer (also fashion designer) Karim Rashid. I first learned about his work during my freshman year of college in an introduction to interior design course. In an interview with Minimalissimo he mentioned that his approach to design is that "Designers must develop forms that are informed through broader issues of changing cultural, social, and political phenomenons... Consider emotional qualities, human experience.." Overall, his mindset resonated with me and still resonates with me deeply today.
Playful Flowers + Unique Shaped Cutout + Mod Dress
Summer Escape + Low Rise Cutout + Dropwaist Dress
Hearts + Unique Shaped Cutout + Tent Dress & Sheer Stockings
Psychedelic + Artful Corset + Sun Dress
This small set of looks challenged me to think outside the box even within the limits of the amount of styles and colors to choose from. Although these looks are primarily made with the purpose of capturing the 1960s aesthetic, I can see the way in which these looks would translate well being worn in the 2024 seasons!